Health and Medicine Vocabulary in Croatian

Learning the vocabulary related to health and medicine in Croatian can be incredibly useful, especially if you plan to travel to Croatia, work in healthcare, or simply want to expand your language skills. This article will guide you through the essential terms and phrases you need to know. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, understanding this specialized vocabulary will enhance your ability to communicate effectively in medical settings. Let’s dive into the key terms and phrases you need to master.

Basic Health and Medicine Vocabulary

To start, let’s cover some of the fundamental words related to health and medicine in Croatian. These terms will form the foundation of your vocabulary in this area.

– **Health**: zdravlje
– **Medicine**: medicina
– **Doctor**: liječnik (male), liječnica (female)
– **Nurse**: medicinska sestra (female), medicinski tehničar (male)
– **Patient**: pacijent (male), pacijentica (female)
– **Hospital**: bolnica
– **Clinic**: klinika
– **Pharmacy**: ljekarna
– **Appointment**: termin
– **Prescription**: recept
– **Symptom**: simptom
– **Diagnosis**: dijagnoza
– **Treatment**: liječenje
– **Emergency**: hitna pomoć

Describing Symptoms and Conditions

When discussing health issues, it’s crucial to be able to describe symptoms and conditions accurately. Here are some common terms you might need:

– **Pain**: bol
– **Headache**: glavobolja
– **Fever**: groznica
– **Cough**: kašalj
– **Sore throat**: upala grla
– **Cold**: prehlada
– **Flu**: gripa
– **Allergy**: alergija
– **Asthma**: astma
– **Diabetes**: dijabetes
– **High blood pressure**: visok krvni tlak
– **Infection**: infekcija
– **Inflammation**: upala
– **Rash**: osip
– **Nausea**: mučnina
– **Vomiting**: povraćanje

Medical Procedures and Tests

Understanding terms related to medical procedures and tests can be vital during a medical consultation or emergency. Here are some important words:

– **Examination**: pregled
– **Test**: test
– **X-ray**: rendgen
– **Blood test**: krvna pretraga
– **Ultrasound**: ultrazvuk
– **MRI**: magnetska rezonancija
– **CT scan**: CT skeniranje
– **Surgery**: operacija
– **Injection**: injekcija
– **Vaccination**: cijepljenje
– **Biopsy**: biopsija
– **Treatment plan**: plan liječenja

Common Medications and Treatments

Knowing the names of common medications and treatments can help you understand prescriptions and treatment plans. Here are some key terms:

– **Antibiotic**: antibiotik
– **Painkiller**: analgetik
– **Anti-inflammatory**: protuupalno sredstvo
– **Antihistamine**: antihistaminik
– **Cough syrup**: sirup protiv kašlja
– **Ointment**: mast
– **Pill**: pilula
– **Tablet**: tableta
– **Capsule**: kapsula
– **Drop**: kap (e.g., eye drops – kapi za oči)
– **Cream**: krema
– **Bandage**: zavoj

Emergency Phrases

In case of an emergency, it’s crucial to know how to communicate effectively. Here are some phrases that might come in handy:

– **Help!**: Pomoć!
– **Call an ambulance!**: Zovite hitnu pomoć!
– **I need a doctor**: Trebam liječnika
– **I am allergic to…**: Alergičan sam na… (male), Alergična sam na… (female)
– **I feel sick**: Osjećam se loše
– **I have a fever**: Imam groznicu
– **I am in pain**: Imam bolove
– **Where is the nearest hospital?**: Gdje je najbliža bolnica?
– **Can you help me?**: Možete li mi pomoći?

Dialogue Practice

To put this vocabulary into practice, let’s go through a sample dialogue between a patient and a doctor. This will help you understand how these terms are used in context.

**Patient**: Dobar dan, doktore. Imam termin danas.

**Doctor**: Dobar dan. Kako vam mogu pomoći?

**Patient**: Već nekoliko dana imam jaku glavobolju i groznicu.

**Doctor**: Razumijem. Imate li još nekih simptoma?

**Patient**: Da, također imam kašalj i osjećam se umorno.

**Doctor**: U redu. Napravit ćemo pregled i nekoliko testova. Možda ćemo trebati i krvnu pretragu.

**Patient**: U redu, hvala vam.

**Doctor**: Javit ćemo vam rezultate čim budu spremni. U međuvremenu, evo recept za analgetik koji će vam pomoći s bolovima.

**Patient**: Hvala vam puno, doktore.

**Doctor**: Nema na čemu. Ako se simptomi pogoršaju, odmah me kontaktirajte.

Tips for Learning Medical Vocabulary

Learning specialized vocabulary can be challenging, but with the right strategies, you can make significant progress. Here are some tips to help you master Croatian health and medicine vocabulary:

1. Use Flashcards

Flashcards are an effective way to memorize new terms. Write the Croatian word on one side and the English translation on the other. Review them regularly to reinforce your memory.

2. Practice with Native Speakers

If possible, practice speaking with native Croatian speakers. This will help you improve your pronunciation and gain confidence in using medical terms in real conversations.

3. Watch Medical Dramas or Documentaries

Watching Croatian medical dramas or documentaries can expose you to medical vocabulary in context. Pay attention to how terms are used and try to pick up new words and phrases.

4. Use Language Learning Apps

There are several language learning apps that offer specialized vocabulary lists and exercises. Use these apps to practice and test your knowledge.

5. Create a Study Schedule

Consistency is key when learning a new language. Create a study schedule that allows you to dedicate time each day to learning and reviewing medical vocabulary.

6. Join a Language Learning Group

Joining a language learning group or class can provide you with additional resources and support. You can practice with fellow learners and get feedback from instructors.


Mastering health and medicine vocabulary in Croatian can greatly enhance your ability to communicate effectively in medical settings. Whether you are a healthcare professional, a traveler, or simply a language enthusiast, understanding these terms will be incredibly beneficial. Use the tips and resources provided in this article to practice and expand your vocabulary. With dedication and consistent effort, you’ll be well on your way to becoming proficient in Croatian medical terminology.