Croatian Idioms and Their Meanings

Croatian is a South Slavic language spoken primarily in Croatia, as well as in parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and other neighboring countries. Like any language, Croatian is rich in idiomatic expressions—phrases that convey meanings that cannot be inferred from the literal meanings of the individual words. Understanding these idioms can provide valuable insights into the culture and history of the Croatian people, and can make your conversations sound more natural and fluent. In this article, we will explore some common Croatian idioms and their meanings.

What is an Idiom?

An idiom is a phrase or expression that has a figurative meaning different from its literal meaning. Idioms are a crucial part of any language because they add color, depth, and cultural nuance to everyday speech. For non-native speakers, idioms can often be the trickiest part of mastering a new language because their meanings are not always intuitive.

Common Croatian Idioms and Their Meanings

1. “Pasti s Marsa” (To fall from Mars)

This idiom is used to describe someone who is completely out of touch with reality or who has no clue about what’s going on around them. It is similar to the English idiom “to be out of the loop.”

**Example:** “Gdje si ti bio? Pa ti si pao s Marsa!” (“Where have you been? You must have fallen from Mars!”)

2. “Držati fige” (To hold figs)

This idiom means to keep your fingers crossed for good luck. In Croatian culture, holding figs is akin to hoping for a favorable outcome.

**Example:** “Imam ispit sutra, drži mi fige.” (“I have an exam tomorrow, keep your fingers crossed for me.”)

3. “Nema kruha bez motike” (There is no bread without a hoe)

This idiom means that nothing can be achieved without hard work. It is similar to the English saying, “No pain, no gain.”

**Example:** “Ako želiš uspjeti, moraš raditi. Nema kruha bez motike.” (“If you want to succeed, you have to work. There is no bread without a hoe.”)

4. “Biti na sedmom nebu” (To be on the seventh sky)

This idiom is used to describe someone who is extremely happy or elated. It is the Croatian equivalent of the English idiom “to be on cloud nine.”

**Example:** “Nakon što je dobila posao iz snova, bila je na sedmom nebu.” (“After she got her dream job, she was on cloud nine.”)

5. “Imati putra na glavi” (To have butter on one’s head)

This idiom means to have a guilty conscience or to be guilty of something. It is similar to the English expression “to have skeletons in the closet.”

**Example:** “Nemoj se praviti nevinašce, imaš putra na glavi.” (“Don’t pretend to be innocent, you have butter on your head.”)

6. “Vuk dlaku mijenja, ali ćud nikada” (The wolf changes its fur, but never its nature)

This idiom means that people may change their appearances or habits, but their true nature remains the same. It is similar to the English saying, “A leopard cannot change its spots.”

**Example:** “Nemoj mu vjerovati, vuk dlaku mijenja, ali ćud nikada.” (“Don’t trust him, the wolf changes its fur, but never its nature.”)

7. “U zdrav mozak” (Into a healthy brain)

This idiom is used to describe someone who is being very stubborn or difficult to convince. It is akin to saying “banging your head against a brick wall” in English.

**Example:** “Pokušavam mu objasniti, ali to je kao da govorim u zdrav mozak.” (“I am trying to explain to him, but it’s like talking to a brick wall.”)

8. “Imati prste u pekmezu” (To have fingers in the jam)

This idiom means to be caught doing something wrong or mischievous. It’s similar to the English idiom “to be caught red-handed.”

**Example:** “Vidjela sam ga kako krade novac, ima prste u pekmezu.” (“I saw him stealing money, he has his fingers in the jam.”)

9. “Što na umu, to na drumu” (What’s on the mind is on the road)

This idiom describes someone who speaks their mind freely and without hesitation. It’s similar to the English phrase “to wear your heart on your sleeve.”

**Example:** “On uvijek kaže što misli, što na umu, to na drumu.” (“He always says what he thinks, what’s on his mind is on the road.”)

10. “Biti u sedlu” (To be in the saddle)

This idiom means to be in control or in a position of power. It is equivalent to the English idiom “to be in the driver’s seat.”

**Example:** “Nakon promaknuća, konačno je bio u sedlu.” (“After the promotion, he was finally in the saddle.”)

Regional Variations and Cultural Nuances

Just like in any other language, idioms in Croatian can have regional variations. What might be a common expression in one part of the country may be entirely unknown in another. For example, the idiom “Imati putra na glavi” is widely understood, but in some regions, you might hear “Imati maslo na glavi” (to have butter on one’s head) instead.

Moreover, idioms often carry cultural nuances that can provide a deeper understanding of societal values and norms. For example, the idiom “Nema kruha bez motike” reflects a cultural appreciation for hard work and perseverance, values that are deeply embedded in Croatian society.

Using Idioms in Conversation

Incorporating idioms into your conversations can make you sound more fluent and natural. However, it’s essential to use them correctly to avoid misunderstandings. Here are a few tips for using Croatian idioms effectively:

1. Learn the Context

Before using an idiom, make sure you understand its context. Some idioms are used more frequently in informal settings, while others might be more appropriate in formal conversations.

2. Practice with Native Speakers

One of the best ways to get comfortable with idioms is to practice using them with native speakers. They can provide immediate feedback and help you understand the nuances of each expression.

3. Start with Common Idioms

Begin by learning and using the most common idioms. As you become more comfortable, you can gradually incorporate less common expressions into your speech.

4. Use Idioms Sparingly

While idioms can add color to your language, using too many in a single conversation can be overwhelming for both you and your listener. Use them sparingly to make your speech more impactful.


Understanding and using idiomatic expressions is a significant step toward achieving fluency in Croatian. Idioms not only enrich your vocabulary but also provide valuable insights into the culture and mindset of Croatian speakers. By familiarizing yourself with these common expressions and practicing them in real-life situations, you can enhance your language skills and communicate more effectively. So, the next time you’re learning Croatian, don’t be afraid to dive into the world of idioms and see how they can bring your conversations to life.