Overview of Croatian Verb Tenses

Croatian is a beautiful South Slavic language that is spoken primarily in Croatia. It boasts a rich literary tradition and a variety of dialects. One of the more challenging aspects for learners is mastering Croatian verb tenses, which are crucial for effective communication. This article will provide an overview of Croatian verb tenses, offering a detailed explanation of each tense, along with examples to illustrate their usage.

Present Tense (Prezent)

The present tense in Croatian, known as “prezent,” is used to describe actions that are currently happening or general truths. It’s equivalent to the present simple tense in English. Croatian verbs are conjugated according to the subject pronouns, and the endings will differ depending on the verb group.

For example, the verb “pisati” (to write):
– Ja pišem (I write)
– Ti pišeš (You write)
– On/Ona/Ono piše (He/She/It writes)
– Mi pišemo (We write)
– Vi pišete (You write, formal/plural)
– Oni/One/Ona pišu (They write)

Notice the endings: -em, -eš, -e, -emo, -ete, -u. These endings will change with different verb types, so it’s important to learn the conjugation patterns.

Past Tense (Prošlo Vrijeme)

Croatian has three forms of the past tense: perfect, aorist, and imperfect. The most commonly used is the perfect tense.

Perfect Tense (Perfekt)

The perfect tense is used to describe actions that have been completed in the past. This tense is formed by using the present tense of the auxiliary verb “biti” (to be) and the past participle of the main verb.

For example, the verb “raditi” (to work):
– Ja sam radio/radila (I worked)
– Ti si radio/radila (You worked)
– On/Ona/Ono je radio/radila (He/She/It worked)
– Mi smo radili/radile (We worked)
– Vi ste radili/radile (You worked, formal/plural)
– Oni/One/Ona su radili/radile (They worked)

Notice that the past participle agrees in gender and number with the subject.

Aorist (Aorist)

The aorist tense is rarely used in contemporary spoken Croatian but can still be found in literature and formal writing. It describes actions that were completed in the past and is formed by adding specific endings to the verb stem.

For example, the verb “vidjeti” (to see):
– Ja vidjeh (I saw)
– Ti vidje (You saw)
– On/Ona/Ono vidje (He/She/It saw)
– Mi vidjesmo (We saw)
– Vi vidjeste (You saw, formal/plural)
– Oni/One/Ona vidješe (They saw)

Imperfect (Imperfekt)

The imperfect tense, like the aorist, is largely archaic and primarily found in literature. It describes continuous or repeated actions in the past.

For example, the verb “govoriti” (to speak):
– Ja govorah (I was speaking)
– Ti govoraše (You were speaking)
– On/Ona/Ono govoraše (He/She/It was speaking)
– Mi govorasmo (We were speaking)
– Vi govoraste (You were speaking, formal/plural)
– Oni/One/Ona govorahu (They were speaking)

Future Tense (Futur)

Croatian features two forms of the future tense: Future I and Future II.

Future I (Futur I)

Future I is used to describe actions that will happen. It’s formed with the auxiliary verb “htjeti” (to want) in the present tense and the infinitive of the main verb.

For example, the verb “čitati” (to read):
– Ja ću čitati (I will read)
– Ti ćeš čitati (You will read)
– On/Ona/Ono će čitati (He/She/It will read)
– Mi ćemo čitati (We will read)
– Vi ćete čitati (You will read, formal/plural)
– Oni/One/Ona će čitati (They will read)

Note that “htjeti” conjugates as: ću, ćeš, će, ćemo, ćete, će.

Future II (Futur II)

Future II is used for actions that will be completed before another future action. It’s formed with the future tense of “biti” and the past participle of the main verb.

For example, the verb “učiti” (to learn):
– Ja budem učio/učila (I will have learned)
– Ti budeš učio/učila (You will have learned)
– On/Ona/Ono bude učio/učila (He/She/It will have learned)
– Mi budemo učili/učile (We will have learned)
– Vi budete učili/učile (You will have learned, formal/plural)
– Oni/One/Ona budu učili/učile (They will have learned)

Conditional Mood (Kondicional)

The conditional mood in Croatian is used to express hypothetical situations, wishes, or actions that would occur under certain conditions. There are two types of conditional: Conditional I and Conditional II.

Conditional I (Kondicional I)

Conditional I is used to describe actions that would happen if a certain condition is met. It’s formed with the past tense of “biti” (bio, bila) and the conditional endings.

For example, the verb “raditi” (to work):
– Ja bih radio/radila (I would work)
– Ti bi radio/radila (You would work)
– On/Ona/Ono bi radio/radila (He/She/It would work)
– Mi bismo radili/radile (We would work)
– Vi biste radili/radile (You would work, formal/plural)
– Oni/One/Ona bi radili/radile (They would work)

Conditional II (Kondicional II)

Conditional II is used for actions that would have happened in the past under certain conditions. It’s formed with the past tense of “biti” and the past participle of the main verb.

For example, the verb “učiti” (to learn):
– Ja bih bio/bila učio/učila (I would have learned)
– Ti bi bio/bila učio/učila (You would have learned)
– On/Ona/Ono bi bio/bila učio/učila (He/She/It would have learned)
– Mi bismo bili/bile učili/učile (We would have learned)
– Vi biste bili/bile učili/učile (You would have learned, formal/plural)
– Oni/One/Ona bi bili/bile učili/učile (They would have learned)

Imperative Mood (Imperativ)

The imperative mood is used for giving commands or making requests. It’s formed by using the base form of the verb with appropriate endings.

For example, the verb “doći” (to come):
– (Ti) dođi! (Come!)
– (Vi) dođite! (Come! formal/plural)

For some verbs, the imperative is formed by adding -i or -ite to the verb stem. It’s important to note that the imperative form often changes depending on the verb type.

Participles and Gerunds

Participles and gerunds in Croatian provide additional nuance to verb usage.

Past Participle (Particip Perfekta)

The past participle agrees with the subject in gender and number and is used to form compound tenses.

For example, the verb “pisati” (to write):
– pisao/pisala/pisali/pisale

Present Participle (Particip Prezenta)

The present participle is less common and usually found in literary or formal contexts. It describes ongoing actions.

For example, the verb “trčati” (to run):
– trčeći (running)

Gerund (Glagolski Prilog)

The gerund describes actions that are happening simultaneously with the main verb. It’s formed by adding -ći to the verb stem.

For example, the verb “čitati” (to read):
– čitajući (reading)

Aspect of Verbs

In addition to tenses, Croatian verbs also have aspects: perfective and imperfective. These aspects indicate whether the action is completed or ongoing.

Perfective Aspect

Perfective verbs indicate completed actions and are often used with the aorist and perfect tenses.

For example:
– napisati (to write, perfective)

Imperfective Aspect

Imperfective verbs indicate ongoing or habitual actions and are often used with the present and imperfect tenses.

For example:
– pisati (to write, imperfective)

Understanding the aspect of verbs is crucial for mastering Croatian verb tenses, as it influences which tense and form to use in a given context.


Mastering Croatian verb tenses can be challenging, but it is essential for effective communication. By understanding the present, past, future tenses, conditional mood, imperative mood, participles, gerunds, and aspects of verbs, you will be well-equipped to express yourself accurately and fluently in Croatian. Practice regularly, immerse yourself in the language, and don’t hesitate to seek help from native speakers or language learning resources. With time and dedication, you will become proficient in using Croatian verb tenses.