Mastering comparative and superlative adjectives is essential for anyone looking to achieve fluency in Croatian. These forms not only allow you to describe and compare objects, people, and ideas more precisely but also enrich your conversational skills. Understanding when and how to use these adjectives correctly can significantly enhance your ability to communicate effectively in Croatian. This page is dedicated to providing a variety of exercises that will help you practice and internalize the rules governing comparative and superlative forms in the Croatian language. In Croatian, comparative adjectives are used to compare two entities, often translated into English with the words "more" or "-er" (e.g., taller, smarter), while superlative adjectives are used to describe something that stands out as the most or the least among a group (e.g., tallest, smartest). Through our carefully designed exercises, you will practice forming and using these adjectives in different contexts, ensuring that you not only understand the grammatical rules but also feel confident applying them in real-life situations. Whether you are a beginner or looking to fine-tune your existing skills, these exercises will provide the comprehensive practice you need to master comparative and superlative adjectives in Croatian.
1. Ivana je *pametnija* od Ane (comparative of 'pametan').
2. Ovaj film je *zanimljiviji* od onog koji smo gledali prošli tjedan (comparative of 'zanimljiv').
3. Petar je *najstariji* u svojoj obitelji (superlative of 'star').
4. Ovaj kolač je *slađi* od onog kojeg sam napravio prošli put (comparative of 'sladak').
5. Marko je *brži* od svih svojih prijatelja (comparative of 'brz').
6. Ovo je *najbolji* restoran u gradu (superlative of 'dobar').
7. Njegova nova knjiga je *kraća* od prethodne (comparative of 'kratak').
8. Planina je *viša* od brda (comparative of 'visok').
9. Ana je *ljepša* od svih djevojaka u razredu (comparative of 'lijep').
10. Ovo je *najudobniji* kauč u trgovini (superlative of 'udoban').
1. Ana je *ljepša* od Marije (more beautiful).
2. Ovaj kolač je *slađi* od onog (sweeter).
3. Ivan je *viši* od Petra (taller).
4. Naša kuća je *veća* od vaše (bigger).
5. Marta je *mlađa* od svoje sestre (younger).
6. Ovaj film je *zanimljiviji* od prethodnog (more interesting).
7. Ljeto je *toplije* od zime (warmer).
8. Ova knjiga je *deblja* od one (thicker).
9. Njegova nova pjesma je *popularnija* od stare (more popular).
10. Pas je *vredniji* od mačke (more hardworking).
1. Njegova kuća je *veća* od moje (comparative form of "large").
2. Ova torta je *najslađa* koju sam ikada probao (superlative form of "sweet").
3. Ana je *pametnija* od Ivana (comparative form of "smart").
4. On je *najbrži* trkač u školi (superlative form of "fast").
5. Danas je *hladnije* nego jučer (comparative form of "cold").
6. Njegov auto je *skuplji* od mog (comparative form of "expensive").
7. Ovo je *najljepši* park u gradu (superlative form of "beautiful").
8. Marko je *viši* od Petra (comparative form of "tall").
9. Ova knjiga je *zanimljivija* od prethodne (comparative form of "interesting").
10. To je *najvažniji* sastanak godine (superlative form of "important").