Mastering the subtleties of Croatian prepositions is an essential step towards fluency in the language. As you progress to advanced levels, you'll encounter prepositions that change meaning based on context, govern different cases, and add nuance to your sentences. Our practice exercises are designed to help you navigate these complexities, offering a comprehensive approach to understanding and using Croatian prepositions accurately. Through targeted exercises, you'll gain confidence in your ability to convey precise meanings and improve your overall communication skills in Croatian. These exercises are tailored for learners who already have a solid grasp of basic Croatian grammar and are looking to refine their language skills further. By engaging with a variety of sentence structures and contexts, you'll learn to identify and use prepositions correctly in both written and spoken Croatian. Each exercise is crafted to challenge your understanding and enhance your ability to think critically about language use. Whether you are preparing for advanced exams, aiming to perfect your conversational skills, or simply passionate about mastering Croatian, these exercises will provide the practice you need to achieve your goals.
1. On je otišao *u* školu (preposition for direction).
2. Knjiga je na stolu *ispod* lampe (preposition for location).
3. Idemo *na* koncert večeras (preposition for event).
4. Ona stanuje *u* Zagrebu (preposition for city).
5. Rado bih popio kavu *s* tobom (preposition for company).
6. Pismo je stiglo *iz* Amerike (preposition for origin).
7. On je radio *za* tvrtku (preposition for purpose or benefit).
8. Krenuli smo *prema* planini (preposition for direction or goal).
9. Šetali smo *kroz* park (preposition for movement through a place).
10. Moram ići *na* posao (preposition for obligation or duty).
1. Zbog lošeg vremena nismo otišli *na* izlet (preposition indicating direction).
2. Ovaj lijek je učinkovit *protiv* glavobolje (preposition indicating opposition or counteraction).
3. Razgovarali smo *o* novom projektu (preposition indicating topic or subject).
4. Planiramo putovanje *u* Italiju (preposition indicating destination).
5. Zadatak je obavljen *bez* greške (preposition indicating lack of something).
6. Knjiga je posvećena *mojoj* sestri (preposition indicating dedication or intention).
7. Radi *za* kompaniju već deset godina (preposition indicating employment or purpose).
8. Stanuje *blizu* parka (preposition indicating proximity).
9. Volim šetati *po* plaži (preposition indicating location or surface).
10. Sastanak je zakazan *za* ponedjeljak (preposition indicating time or schedule).
1. On je išao *na* posao svaki dan (preposition for direction).
2. Knjiga je *na* stolu (preposition for location).
3. Idemo *u* kino večeras (preposition for entering a place).
4. Putovao sam *preko* mora (preposition for crossing).
5. Ona je stajala *pored* vrata (preposition for proximity).
6. Sastanak je zakazan *za* sutra (preposition for time).
7. On radi *s* njom na projektu (preposition for collaboration).
8. Počelo je padati *od* jutra (preposition for starting point in time).
9. Knjiga je napisana *od* poznatog pisca (preposition indicating origin).
10. Oni su šetali *kroz* park (preposition for passing through).