Common Croatian Prepositions and Their Uses: Practice Exercises

Mastering prepositions is a crucial step in becoming proficient in any language, and Croatian is no exception. Prepositions are small but mighty words that show the relationships between different elements in a sentence, such as time, place, direction, and manner. In Croatian, prepositions can often be tricky for English speakers because they sometimes don't translate directly, or they might have different uses compared to their English counterparts. This page is dedicated to helping you understand and practice the most common Croatian prepositions, ensuring that you can use them accurately and confidently in your conversations. Our comprehensive set of exercises is designed to reinforce your understanding through practical application. You'll encounter a variety of sentence structures and contexts, giving you the opportunity to see how prepositions function in everyday language. Whether you're a beginner looking to build a solid foundation or an advanced learner aiming to polish your skills, these exercises will guide you through the nuances and intricacies of Croatian prepositions. Dive in and start practicing to enhance your fluency and deepen your grasp of this essential aspect of Croatian grammar.

Exercise 1

1. Ivana ide *u* školu (preposition indicating destination).

2. Knjiga je *na* stolu (preposition indicating location).

3. Putujemo *preko* mosta (preposition indicating crossing).

4. Pas trči *oko* kuće (preposition indicating movement around).

5. Marko živi *u* Zagrebu (preposition indicating city of residence).

6. Čekamo te *ispred* kina (preposition indicating position in front).

7. Bicikl je *pored* auta (preposition indicating position next to).

8. Hodamo *kroz* park (preposition indicating movement through).

9. Sjedim *za* stolom (preposition indicating position behind).

10. Idemo *na* izlet (preposition indicating activity or event).

Exercise 2

1. On ide *u* školu svaki dan (preposition for 'to').

2. Knjiga je *na* stolu (preposition for 'on').

3. Idemo *preko* mosta do parka (preposition for 'over').

4. Stan mi se nalazi *blizu* centra grada (preposition for 'near').

5. Pričali smo *o* vremenu (preposition for 'about').

6. Ključ je *ispod* tepiha (preposition for 'under').

7. Možemo se naći *iza* kafića (preposition for 'behind').

8. On je otišao *s* prijateljem na putovanje (preposition for 'with').

9. Prošetali smo *kroz* park (preposition for 'through').

10. Auto je parkiran *pored* zgrade (preposition for 'beside').

Exercise 3

1. On ide *na* more svako ljeto (preposition indicating destination).

2. Knjiga je *na* stolu (preposition indicating location).

3. Idemo *u* kino večeras (preposition indicating direction to a place).

4. Živimo *u* Zagrebu (preposition indicating location in a city).

5. Auto je parkiran *ispred* kuće (preposition indicating position in front of).

6. Sastanak je *u* ponedjeljak (preposition indicating time).

7. Stan je *iznad* trgovine (preposition indicating position above).

8. Pas je *pod* stolom (preposition indicating position under).

9. Svi su došli *na* rođendan (preposition indicating occasion).

10. Čitam knjigu *o* povijesti (preposition indicating subject matter).