Croatian Subjunctive Tense: Practice Exercises

The Croatian subjunctive tense, known as "konjunktiv," is a versatile and integral part of mastering the language. It is commonly used to express wishes, doubts, possibilities, and hypothetical situations, making it an essential tool for nuanced communication. Understanding and correctly using the subjunctive tense can significantly enhance your fluency and help you convey subtleties and emotions more effectively in Croatian. This page is dedicated to providing you with a range of practice exercises designed to reinforce your knowledge and ensure you become comfortable using the subjunctive in various contexts. Our carefully curated exercises will cover a spectrum of scenarios where the subjunctive tense is applicable, from simple sentences to more complex expressions. These exercises will not only test your understanding but also provide practical examples to help solidify your grasp of the tense. Whether you are a beginner looking to get a basic understanding or an advanced learner aiming to perfect your skills, these exercises are tailored to suit all levels. Dive in and start practicing to become more proficient in using the Croatian subjunctive tense with confidence.

Exercise 1

1. Želim da on *dođe* sutra. (verb for coming)

2. Važno je da ti *učiš* svaki dan. (verb for studying)

3. Nadam se da će ona *biti* sretna. (verb for being)

4. Potrebno je da mi *pošalješ* email. (verb for sending)

5. Čekam da on *završi* posao. (verb for finishing)

6. Bojim se da će ona *pasti* na ispitu. (verb for failing)

7. Želim da oni *kupe* novu kuću. (verb for buying)

8. Važno je da vi *dođete* na vrijeme. (verb for arriving)

9. Nadam se da će ona *naći* posao. (verb for finding)

10. Čekam da on *odgovori* na moje pitanje. (verb for answering)

Exercise 2

1. Nadam se da ćeš *doći* na vrijeme (verb for arriving).

2. Važno je da *učimo* svaki dan (verb for studying).

3. Molim te da *pišeš* čitko (verb for writing).

4. Mislim da bi bilo dobro da *ostaneš* kod kuće (verb for staying).

5. Želim da *budeš* sretan (verb for being).

6. Nadamo se da ćete *sudjelovati* u projektu (verb for participating).

7. Voljela bih da me *nazoveš* kasnije (verb for calling).

8. Bitno je da *razumiješ* pravila (verb for understanding).

9. Preporučujem da *posjetiš* muzej (verb for visiting).

10. Oni žele da *učinimo* sve što je potrebno (verb for doing).

Exercise 3

1. Želim da *budeš* sretan (verb 'to be' in subjunctive, 2nd person singular).

2. Nadam se da ćeš *doći* na vrijeme (verb 'to come' in subjunctive, 2nd person singular).

3. Važno je da *učimo* svaki dan (verb 'to study' in subjunctive, 1st person plural).

4. Bojim se da *neće* uspjeti (verb 'to succeed' in subjunctive, 3rd person singular negative).

5. Voljela bih da *možeš* doći (verb 'to be able to' in subjunctive, 2nd person singular).

6. Bitno je da *razumijete* pravila (verb 'to understand' in subjunctive, 2nd person plural).

7. Nadamo se da će *pasti* kiša (verb 'to fall' in subjunctive, 3rd person singular).

8. Molim te da *pišeš* čitko (verb 'to write' in subjunctive, 2nd person singular).

9. Hoću da *govori* istinu (verb 'to speak' in subjunctive, 3rd person singular).

10. Važno je da *slušamo* učitelja (verb 'to listen' in subjunctive, 1st person plural).