Exercises for Croatian Adjectives: Declension and Agreement

Mastering Croatian adjectives is a crucial step in achieving fluency in the Croatian language. Adjectives in Croatian not only describe nouns but must also agree with them in gender, number, and case. This complexity can be challenging for learners, but it also enriches the expressive potential of the language. Our exercises are designed to help you navigate the intricate rules of declension and agreement, making it easier for you to use adjectives accurately in various contexts. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, these exercises will provide you with the practice needed to understand and apply these rules confidently. Our curated set of grammar exercises focuses specifically on the declension of adjectives and their agreement with nouns. Each exercise aims to reinforce your understanding through practical examples and structured practice. You will encounter a variety of sentences and scenarios that require you to correctly modify adjectives according to the gender, number, and case of the nouns they describe. By consistently working through these exercises, you will develop a more intuitive grasp of Croatian grammar, enabling you to communicate more precisely and naturally. Dive in and start honing your skills today!

Exercise 1

1. Kupio sam *novu* knjigu (adjective for "new" in feminine accusative singular).

2. Vidjela sam *lijepu* djevojku u parku (adjective for "beautiful" in feminine accusative singular).

3. Uzeo je *crvenu* jabuku sa stola (adjective for "red" in feminine accusative singular).

4. Na stolu je bila *plava* vaza (adjective for "blue" in feminine nominative singular).

5. Nosim *toplu* jaknu jer je hladno vani (adjective for "warm" in feminine accusative singular).

6. Njegov pas ima *smeđi* rep (adjective for "brown" in masculine accusative singular).

7. Kupili smo *bijele* cipele za vjenčanje (adjective for "white" in plural accusative).

8. Vidio je *velikog* psa u dvorištu (adjective for "big" in masculine accusative singular).

9. Na polici su stajale *zanimljive* knjige (adjective for "interesting" in plural nominative).

10. Učiteljica je pohvalila *marljivog* učenika (adjective for "diligent" in masculine accusative singular).

Exercise 2

1. Učitelj je pohvalio *dobrog* učenika (positive adjective for 'good').

2. Kupili smo *lijepu* haljinu (positive adjective for 'beautiful').

3. On je posjetio *stari* grad (positive adjective for 'old').

4. Pročitali smo knjigu o *velikom* medvjedu (positive adjective for 'big').

5. Vidjela je *crvenu* torbu (positive adjective for 'red').

6. Pijemo *hladnu* vodu (positive adjective for 'cold').

7. On vozi *novi* automobil (positive adjective for 'new').

8. Ona je nosila *plavu* jaknu (positive adjective for 'blue').

9. Upoznali smo *mladog* glumca (positive adjective for 'young').

10. Pogledali smo *zanimljiv* film (positive adjective for 'interesting').

Exercise 3

1. Kupili smo *crvenu* haljinu za mamu. (boja)

2. Vidjela sam *velikog* psa u parku. (veličina)

3. Išli su u *novu* školu. (novost)

4. Trebam *toplu* jaknu za zimu. (temperatura)

5. On voli *slatke* kolače. (okus)

6. Ona je *lijepa* djevojka. (izgled)

7. Kupio je *zeleno* voće. (boja)

8. Mi smo *mladi* ljudi. (doba)

9. Zgrada je vrlo *visoka*. (visina)

10. To je *stara* knjiga. (starost)