Mastering the simple past tense in Croatian is essential for anyone looking to communicate effectively in the language. The simple past tense, or "preterite," is used to describe actions that were completed in the past. By practicing these exercises, you'll become more comfortable with the different conjugations and nuances that make up this tense. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your skills, these exercises will help you understand the structure and usage of the simple past tense in Croatian, enabling you to tell stories, share experiences, and describe past events with accuracy. In Croatian, the simple past tense is formed differently depending on the verb type and whether it is regular or irregular. This can be challenging for learners, but with consistent practice, you'll start to recognize patterns and exceptions. Our exercises are designed to provide a variety of contexts and scenarios, helping you to apply what you've learned in practical situations. You'll encounter fill-in-the-blank sentences, verb conjugation drills, and translation tasks that will enhance your comprehension and fluency. Dive into these exercises to build a strong foundation in Croatian grammar and take your language skills to the next level.
1. Jučer sam *kupio* novi automobil. (verb for buying)
2. Ona je *pročitala* knjigu za jedan dan. (verb for reading)
3. Mi smo *posjetili* baku prošlog vikenda. (verb for visiting)
4. Ivan je *napisao* pismo svojoj djevojci. (verb for writing)
5. Oni su *gledali* film u kinu prošle noći. (verb for watching)
6. Ti si *kuhao* večeru za cijelu obitelj. (verb for cooking)
7. Marko je *popravio* bicikl jučer. (verb for repairing)
8. Mi smo *plesali* cijelu noć na zabavi. (verb for dancing)
9. Oni su *pjevali* pjesme na koncertu. (verb for singing)
10. Ana je *jela* sladoled prošle subote. (verb for eating)
1. Jučer *sam* posjetio muzej (verb 'to be' in past tense).
2. Oni *su* igrali nogomet u parku prošle subote (verb 'to be' in past tense).
3. Prošlog ljeta *je* ona plivala u moru (verb 'to be' in past tense).
4. U subotu *sam* pročitao dobru knjigu (verb 'to be' in past tense).
5. Mi *smo* prošli tjedan gledali film (verb 'to be' in past tense).
6. On *je* jučer napravio ručak za cijelu obitelj (verb 'to be' in past tense).
7. Prije dva dana *sam* poslao pismo (verb 'to be' in past tense).
8. Oni *su* prošlog mjeseca posjetili Pariz (verb 'to be' in past tense).
9. Mama *je* sinoć pripremila večeru (verb 'to be' in past tense).
10. Prošli vikend *smo* posjetili prijatelje (verb 'to be' in past tense).
1. Jučer sam *gledao* film s prijateljima (verb for watching).
2. Prošle godine smo *putovali* u Italiju (verb for traveling).
3. Oni su *igrali* nogomet prošlog vikenda (verb for playing a sport).
4. U subotu sam *posjetila* baku u selu (verb for visiting, feminine form).
5. On je *jeo* pizzu za večeru sinoć (verb for eating, masculine form).
6. Moji roditelji su *kupili* novi auto prošlog mjeseca (verb for buying).
7. Ana je *pisala* pismo svojoj prijateljici (verb for writing, feminine form).
8. Mi smo *učili* hrvatski jezik cijeli prošli tjedan (verb for studying/learning).
9. Marko je *plivao* u moru jučer (verb for swimming, masculine form).
10. Oni su *čitali* knjige cijeli dan (verb for reading).