Future Tense Forms and Uses in Croatian: Exercises

Understanding future tense forms and uses is crucial for mastering the Croatian language. In Croatian, the future tense is used to express actions or events that will happen at a later time. This tense involves specific conjugations and structures that differ from the present and past tenses. By learning these forms, you can more accurately convey your intentions, plans, and predictions. Whether you are planning a trip to Croatia, engaging in business with Croatian speakers, or simply expanding your linguistic skills, mastering the future tense will significantly enhance your communication abilities. This set of exercises is designed to help you practice and reinforce your understanding of the future tense in Croatian. Through a variety of activities, including sentence completion, verb conjugation, and context-based questions, you will gain confidence in forming and using future tense verbs correctly. The exercises are structured to cater to different learning styles, ensuring that everyone, from beginners to advanced learners, can benefit. By regularly practicing with these exercises, you'll be able to use the future tense naturally and accurately in your conversations, making your Croatian language skills more robust and versatile.

Exercise 1

1. Sutra *ću* ići na trčanje (future form of 'ću').

2. Oni *će* završiti projekt do kraja tjedna (future form of 'će').

3. Mi *ćemo* posjetiti baku idući vikend (future form of 'ćemo').

4. Hoćeš li *doći* na moj rođendan? (future form of 'doći').

5. Hoće li Ana *učiti* sutra za ispit? (future form of 'učiti').

6. On *će* donijeti knjige u školu (future form of 'će').

7. Ja *ću* kupiti novi mobitel (future form of 'ću').

8. Vi *ćete* gledati film večeras (future form of 'ćete').

9. Hoćemo li *putovati* na more ovo ljeto? (future form of 'putovati').

10. Oni *će* se vratiti kući kasno navečer (future form of 'će').

Exercise 2

1. Sutra *ću* ići na posao (verb for 'will go').

2. Oni *će* učiti za ispit cijeli vikend (verb for 'will study').

3. Mi *ćemo* posjetiti baku iduće nedjelje (verb for 'will visit').

4. Hoćeš li *doći* na zabavu sutra? (verb for 'will come').

5. Ona *će* kuhati večeru večeras (verb for 'will cook').

6. Hoćeš li *gledati* film s nama? (verb for 'will watch').

7. Djeca *će* se igrati u parku kasnije (verb for 'will play').

8. Ja *ću* učiti hrvatski svaki dan (verb for 'will study').

9. Pas *će* trčati u vrtu (verb for 'will run').

10. Mi *ćemo* putovati u Hrvatsku ovog ljeta (verb for 'will travel').

Exercise 3

1. Sutra ćemo *posjetiti* muzej (verb for visit).

2. Oni će *kupiti* novu kuću sljedeće godine (verb for buy).

3. U ponedjeljak ćeš *ući* u školu (verb for enter).

4. Mi ćemo *učiti* hrvatski jezik svaki dan (verb for learn).

5. Ona će *gledati* film večeras (verb for watch).

6. Hoću li *jesti* pizzu za večeru? (verb for eat).

7. Hoćeš li *raditi* sutra? (verb for work).

8. Oni će *putovati* u Italiju sljedećeg mjeseca (verb for travel).

9. Hoćemo li *igrati* nogomet popodne? (verb for play).

10. Ona će *čitati* knjigu u nedjelju (verb for read).