Mastering the Present Tense in Croatian: Exercises

Mastering the present tense in Croatian is a fundamental step for anyone looking to gain proficiency in this beautiful and expressive language. The present tense, or "sadašnje vrijeme," forms the backbone of everyday conversation, allowing you to describe actions that are currently happening, express general truths, and narrate habitual activities. Whether you're a beginner just starting to explore Croatian or an intermediate learner aiming to refine your skills, understanding and correctly using the present tense will significantly enhance your communication abilities. Our carefully structured exercises are designed to guide you through the complexities of the present tense, making the learning process both engaging and effective. You will encounter a variety of sentence structures, verb conjugations, and practical examples that mirror real-life scenarios. These exercises will not only help you grasp the grammatical rules but also enable you to apply them intuitively in daily conversations. By practicing consistently, you will develop a solid foundation in the present tense, paving the way for more advanced aspects of the Croatian language. Dive in and start your journey towards mastering Croatian today!

Exercise 1

1. Ja *idem* u školu svaki dan (verb for going).

2. On *čita* knjigu u parku (verb for reading).

3. Mi *jedemo* pizzu za večeru (verb for eating).

4. Oni *piju* kavu u kafiću (verb for drinking).

5. Ti *pišeš* domaću zadaću (verb for writing).

6. On *gleda* film u kinu (verb for watching).

7. Mi *igramo* nogomet na igralištu (verb for playing).

8. Oni *uče* hrvatski jezik (verb for studying or learning).

9. Ti *slušaš* glazbu u sobi (verb for listening).

10. Ona *kuha* ručak u kuhinji (verb for cooking).

Exercise 2

1. Ona *piše* pismo svojoj prijateljici (verb for writing).

2. Mi *jedemo* pizzu za večeru (verb for eating).

3. Ivan *trči* u parku svaki dan (verb for running).

4. Ti *čitaš* knjigu u knjižnici (verb for reading).

5. Oni *gledaju* film u kinu (verb for watching).

6. Vi *učite* hrvatski jezik u školi (verb for learning).

7. Ana i Marko *igraju* nogomet na igralištu (verb for playing).

8. Ja *spavam* osam sati svake noći (verb for sleeping).

9. Pas *laje* na prolaznike (verb for barking).

10. Djeca *plešu* na glazbu (verb for dancing).

Exercise 3

1. On *ide* u školu (verb for movement).

2. Mi *jedemo* ručak u restoranu (verb for eating).

3. Oni *piju* kavu svako jutro (verb for drinking).

4. Ona *čita* knjigu u parku (verb for reading).

5. Ti *pišeš* pismo svojoj prijateljici (verb for writing).

6. Ja *učim* hrvatski jezik svaki dan (verb for learning).

7. Vi *gledate* film u kinu (verb for watching).

8. Djeca *igraju* nogomet na igralištu (verb for playing).

9. Pas *trči* po dvorištu (verb for running).

10. Ona *spava* u svojoj sobi (verb for sleeping).