Idiomatic Expressions with Croatian Prepositions

Understanding idiomatic expressions in any language can be a challenging yet rewarding aspect of language learning. These expressions often go beyond the literal meanings of words and provide cultural insights that help in sounding more like a native speaker. Croatian, with its rich linguistic heritage, is no exception. In this article, we’ll explore some idiomatic expressions involving Croatian prepositions, helping you enrich your vocabulary and comprehension.

Why Idiomatic Expressions Matter

Idiomatic expressions are phrases where the meaning isn’t immediately apparent from the individual words. They often reflect cultural nuances and historical context, making them crucial for achieving fluency and deeper cultural understanding. In Croatian, prepositions play a significant role in forming these idiomatic expressions. By mastering these, you can enhance your communication skills and better understand native speakers.

Common Croatian Prepositions

Before diving into idiomatic expressions, let’s familiarize ourselves with some common Croatian prepositions:

u – in
na – on, at
iz – from, out of
do – to, until
kod – at (someone’s place)
sa/s – with, from

These prepositions are often used in combination with other words to create idiomatic expressions, adding layers of meaning that go beyond their basic definitions.

Idiomatic Expressions with “u”

The preposition “u” means “in” and is frequently used in various idiomatic expressions. Here are a few:

U sedmom nebu

Literal Translation: In the seventh heaven
Meaning: To be extremely happy or overjoyed
Example: “Kad sam dobio posao, bio sam u sedmom nebu.” (When I got the job, I was in seventh heaven.)

U četiri oka

Literal Translation: In four eyes
Meaning: A private conversation between two people
Example: “Moramo razgovarati u četiri oka.” (We need to talk in private.)

U gluho doba noći

Literal Translation: In the deaf time of night
Meaning: Late at night, usually when it’s very quiet
Example: “Zvao me u gluho doba noći.” (He called me late at night.)

Idiomatic Expressions with “na”

The preposition “na” means “on” or “at” and also features prominently in idiomatic expressions:

Na prvu loptu

Literal Translation: On the first ball
Meaning: Immediately, without thinking too much
Example: “Na prvu loptu, nisam znao što reći.” (At first, I didn’t know what to say.)

Na kraju krajeva

Literal Translation: At the end of ends
Meaning: After all, ultimately
Example: “Na kraju krajeva, sve je ispalo dobro.” (After all, everything turned out well.)

Na rubu živaca

Literal Translation: On the edge of nerves
Meaning: To be very nervous or stressed
Example: “Ovih dana sam na rubu živaca.” (These days, I’m very stressed.)

Idiomatic Expressions with “iz”

“Iz” translates to “from” or “out of,” and it also forms part of many idiomatic expressions:

Iz prve ruke

Literal Translation: From the first hand
Meaning: Firsthand, directly from the source
Example: “Informacije sam dobio iz prve ruke.” (I got the information firsthand.)

Iz glave

Literal Translation: From the head
Meaning: By heart, from memory
Example: “Mogu izrecitirati pjesmu iz glave.” (I can recite the poem by heart.)

Iz vedra neba

Literal Translation: From the clear sky
Meaning: Out of the blue, unexpectedly
Example: “Pojavio se iz vedra neba.” (He appeared out of the blue.)

Idiomatic Expressions with “do”

The preposition “do” means “to” or “until” and is used in several idiomatic expressions:

Do neba

Literal Translation: To the sky
Meaning: Very much, immensely
Example: “Volim te do neba.” (I love you immensely.)

Do posljednjeg daha

Literal Translation: Until the last breath
Meaning: Until the very end
Example: “Borili su se do posljednjeg daha.” (They fought until the very end.)

Do ušiju

Literal Translation: To the ears
Meaning: Deeply, usually in love
Example: “Zaljubljen sam do ušiju.” (I’m deeply in love.)

Idiomatic Expressions with “kod”

“Kod” translates to “at” (someone’s place) and is used in various idiomatic phrases:

Kod kuće

Literal Translation: At the house
Meaning: At home
Example: “Osjećam se kao kod kuće.” (I feel at home.)

Kod mene/nas

Literal Translation: At my/our place
Meaning: At my/our place, in my/our house
Example: “Dođi kod mene na večeru.” (Come to my place for dinner.)

Kod zubara

Literal Translation: At the dentist’s
Meaning: At the dentist
Example: “Sutra idem kod zubara.” (I’m going to the dentist tomorrow.)

Idiomatic Expressions with “sa/s”

The preposition “sa” (or “s” before certain consonants) means “with” and is used in idiomatic expressions:

Sa mnom

Literal Translation: With me
Meaning: With me
Example: “Došao je sa mnom.” (He came with me.)

Sa svijetom

Literal Translation: With the world
Meaning: In harmony with the world, at peace
Example: “Osjećam se u skladu sa svijetom.” (I feel at peace with the world.)

Sa zvijezdama

Literal Translation: With the stars
Meaning: Dreaming, having high aspirations
Example: “Uvijek sanja sa zvijezdama.” (He always dreams big.)

Additional Tips for Mastering Idiomatic Expressions

Learning idiomatic expressions can be daunting, but these tips can help:

1. Context is Key: Understanding the context in which an idiom is used is crucial. Pay attention to the situations and emotions that accompany these expressions.

2. Practice with Native Speakers: Engaging in conversations with native speakers can provide real-world usage examples and corrections.

3. Use Media Resources: Watching Croatian movies, listening to Croatian music, and reading Croatian books can expose you to idiomatic expressions in context.

4. Make Flashcards: Create flashcards with idiomatic expressions on one side and their meanings and examples on the other to aid memorization.

5. Be Patient: Mastery of idioms takes time and practice. Don’t be discouraged by initial difficulties.


Idiomatic expressions with Croatian prepositions offer a window into the culture and everyday life of Croatian speakers. By understanding and using these expressions, you can enhance your language skills, making your Croatian more natural and fluent. Whether you’re talking about being “in seventh heaven” or feeling “on the edge of nerves,” these idioms will help you connect more deeply with the Croatian language and its speakers.

Happy learning!